
parks & occupation no. 1

The first issue of Whiskey & Fox Vol. 5 Special Series, Parks & Occupation is out. They can be picked up at the Free Zine Station at Zuccotti Park in NY; OR you can download the PDF right here or under the issue archive tab:

Contributors include: Robin Clarke, David Hadbawnik, Michael Farrell, Jeff T. Johnson, Sten Carlson, & Rebecca Mertz. This is set of really incredible poems. As Spicer writes: "Reading the poem that does not appear when the magician starts or when the magician finishes. A climbing in-between. Real."

The Parks & Occupation series will continue for at least a couple more tiny-format issues, and while we have some good material already, we will consider more submissions.  So please, consider sending work in accordance with the call for work. We will make an announcement if we can no longer accept any submissions.

Make haste! Decorate the new democracy!